Friday, August 29, 2014

The Wheel Of Life

The topic of health and wellness encompasses more than just a physical assessment.  Assessment should include a holistic approach that encompasses eight realms of life with their wellness definitions by Dr. Walli Carranza. These realms are: physical, psychological, spiritual, social, environmental, academic, economic, and professional/vocational.
The tool that is best utilized by coaches as a means to measure one’s degree of wellness is the template of the wheel of life (, 2014).

Upon completion of the assessment, goals are prioritized from lowest to highest scores. Lowest scores require coaching first.  The process involves listing “achievable” strategies that provide a means for one to use in getting to their goal. 

Coaching is a relationship-based encounter that involves partnering with a client to help them recognize their strengths, find ways to use them and allows room for changes that occur on their way to a goal.  The Wheel of Life template is a visual measurement that can motivate a client by enabling them to see progress at a glance.  It is a tangible way to connect the progress with a timeline.  Another assessment can be done at the end of one    month to compare this progress. 

The coach has the means to develop new strategies with the client as roadblocks appear along the way.  Pairing the strategies to the Wheel of Life Template for that month enhances the coaching process so that the client is provided the information necessary to complete 
               that goal in an achievable amount of time.

 According to Judith Beaulieu, RN, CHC and Executive Director of FEMTIQUE Associates Incorporated, a Health Coaching Service Organization, achievable goals are set to be accomplished in 3 or 6 months with at least one “roadblock” provision per month.  In order to prepare for roadblocks the client is urged to predict them at each coaching session.  A worksheet can be created to track any unforeseen roadblocks along the way to their goal.

Another method that can be utilized by the client is using a journal to document daily hurdles or successes along the way.  Coaching a client on how to journal is based upon the client’s interest in writing things in a daily log.
Assessing the Client’s likes and dislikes is paramount to coaching. The most important part of coaching is the “relationship”.Having a relationship with the client is the same picture that Jesus is to us. Jesus is here to encourage us through the Holy Spirit whenever we struggle with different aspects in our life. Joshua 1:9 says, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (NIV). God is the ultimate coach for our lives. As a coach we can learn from God how to come along side our client and be an encourager.

Interview with: Beaulieu, J., RN,CHC, Executive Director of FEMTIQUE Associates Incorporated
 n/a,, 2014